Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Just a few notes from one of my latest essays on Mexican Culture.

To be impeccable with your word means that you will not have back door friendships, or spread poison with your tongue. Instead you shall be a person that carries with them a great deal of integrity & principle. I feel that in today's society my fellow humans have forgotten this due to an array of things like: the rapid advancement of technology, power & greed, and a faulty memory. If all you have to do is "click here" & its done then how can we truly see the world behind that computer. Power & Greed has followed human beings since the beginning of time & sadly it doesn't appear to be releasing its kung-fu grip from us any time soon. I believe that in order for us to be freed from this evil we must open our minds and hearts to the possibility of tolerance, knowledge, and love. Memory is a tricky one because its not that we don't know its that we just don't care and if we do care we still do nothing. I don't know which is worse; not wanting to know, or knowing and not doing.

My family has always preached EDUCATION! EDUCATION! And more EDUCATION! My father always said that if I ever wanted to further myself and discover truth then I must get educated. In my culture (Mexican) this is well understood, but rarely acted upon. My people still believe that a farmer can be just as wealthy & prosperous as anyone else. This could be true if we dealt away with power & greed. How can a simple farmer, or migrant worker compete against a crooked elitist? We value family and hardwork, and this to us is enough. But can it truly be enough with imperialism always poking its evil head out? I will take my values and principles and mix them with knowledge, so that I can go back to my village and pass it on.